Exploring Alternative Therapies for Pets: Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, and More

When it comes to trying to help pets, the sky’s the limit. While traditional veterinary medicine can offer many answers and treatment options, Western Veterinary Center is supportive of alternative therapies for pets, especially those integrative veterinary medicine options that complement more standard choices. Keep reading to learn more about complementary pet therapies and treatments that could benefit your furry friend.
Pet Acupuncture
Many cultures have embraced the power of acupuncture for centuries. Utilizing the strategic placement of needles to stimulate and influence the body’s tissues and energy, acupuncture is a safe and versatile tool that can help achieve our medical goals for a patient.
Pet acupuncture can prove to be a valuable tool when treating things like:
- Painful or inflammatory conditions—Any condition resulting in pain and inflammation can be improved with acupuncture.This could include diagnoses like allergic skin disease, autoimmune disorders, or even an injury.
- Cancer—Acupuncture can’t cure cancer, but it can definitely help to manage concurrent problems like lethargy, nausea, and pain. This helps to improve the patient’s quality of life.
- Gastrointestinal problems—Acupuncture can help correct changes in gut motility and blood flow, thereby improving appetite, encouraging motility, and helping vomiting or diarrhea.
- Hormonal or metabolic conditions—Acupuncture can help conditions that result from a hormone imbalance such as Cushing’s syndrome, hypothyroidism, or diabetes mellitus.
- Nerve pain/intervertebral disc disease—Acupuncture helps to decrease pain and inflammation, often resulting in improved function and increased comfort.
- Osteoarthritis—Pain, inflammation, and decreased mobility may all improve with the use of acupuncture.
Rehabilitation Therapy
Rehabilitation therapy for pets is a complementary pet therapy that utilizes an understanding of the relationships between the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves in the body
Veterinary rehabilitation therapists are able to apply this understanding and improve the health and functioning of their patients. They accomplish this through techniques that include things like therapeutic massage, stretching, range of motion, strengthening exercises, laser therapy, and neuromuscular electrostimulation.
Patients who can benefit from physical rehabilitation as part of their care include those who:
- Suffer from a chronic condition like arthritis
- Have a musculoskeletal injury
- Are recovering from surgery
- Have a neurological problem
- Have painful conditions
- Are in training for a particular sport or job
- Are athletes that are not performing optimally
Other Complementary Pet Therapies
It doesn’t stop there, though! There are a whole host of other alternative therapies for pets that can offer additional benefits beyond more traditional treatments.
Examples include:
- Chiropractic adjustment
- Herbal supplements
- Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine techniques
- Nutritional therapy
- Stem cell therapy
- PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatments
When used in conjunction with other treatments, alternative therapies for pets can have incredible results. As always, let us know if you have questions about how these treatments might benefit your pet as well. We are happy to discuss!