Cat kneading bed.

At Western Veterinary Center, we have the unique experience of working with cats big and small. Whether house cat or wild feline, one thing we’ve noticed that they have in common is their need to knead. What exactly is the purpose of this quirky cat behavior? And how do these feline instincts transect different lifestyles and environments? We have the answers for you below.

The Basics of Cat Kneading

Kneading, also known as “making biscuits” is a completely normal and popular behavior amongst cats big and small. Anyone who has ever spent any time with cats has probably seen them moving their paws back and forth along a soft surface. Not every cat kneads. Some cats knead with their claws, while others use the flat part of their paws. It might look like they are baking bread, but there are actually a variety of feelings they might be trying to convey. These include:

They Feel Happy

During their kitten years, kneading helps the young cats get more milk from their mothers. This is a peaceful, happy memory for them. Kneading remains a reminder of this happy feeling throughout their lives. If your cat is feeling content, he or she might instinctually repeat this movement to express their positive emotions. 

They Love You

Cats have a reputation for being aloof and self-sufficient, but the truth is that they can love fiercely. If your cat’s chosen kitchen for making biscuits is your lap, they could be showing you their affection. The next time your cat climbs on top of you and starts kneading away, consider it a bonding experience between you.

They Are Marking Their Territory

Cats emit scent through their paws. This scent is transmitted onto furniture, blankets, and even your clothing when they knead. Although there are some debates about whether or not they are doing it on purpose, kneading could also be a way for them to mark their territory. 

They’re Calming Down

Some cats knead as a method of relaxation. Think of it as taking a nice, relaxing bath before climbing into bed at night. Other cats use kneading as a method to self-soothe if they are feeling anxious about something. Whatever the motivation, kneading is a relaxing behavior for cats that help them feel nice and calm.

Whether you want to learn more about your cat’s behavior or it’s time for your annual wellness check, Western Veterinary Center is here for you. We can’t wait to add you and your pet to our Western family. Call us at (805) 957-7387 to learn more.